Financial Planning Process
I work in person or remotely by zoom/ phone. The financial planning process typically takes three to six months to complete. It takes time to implement all the pieces of the financial plan and it can be overwhelming to tackle everything all at once. I want you to keep making progress. Depending on the complexity of your situation, expect to meet three to five times in the first six months. We will address the most pressing issues first and establish due dates for the rest. After the first year, we will still need to check in annually to make sure you are on track.
What are you looking for in a financial advisor? The purpose of this meeting is to get to know each other better and determine if my services fit your needs. If not, hopefully I can point you in the right direction!
If we have decided to move forward together, this is the most exciting meeting! We will talk about your goals and fears concerning your finances and map out what we want to tackle over the next six months. I will ask you many questions to help prioritize what we need to do first.
Let’s look over the first draft of your financial plan. Based on what we have talked about and the documents I have asked you to provide before this meeting, I will have created the first draft of the plan. This is where rubber meets the road.
Based on feedback from reviewing the preliminary financial plan, I will update the plan with new scenarios you would like to test out. Maybe it’s retiring earlier, spending more in retirement, or donating more time/energy/money to a cause you care about. Once the plan has been tested, it’s time to implement it!
Of course, life changes, and no plan is set in stone. Whether you decide to change careers, expand your family, take care of aging parents, move, travel, whatever it is- the plan needs to be flexible and updated to continue progress toward your goals.